You might be surprised to know that there are many different kinds of arthritis. The ones we treat most often are osteoarthritis (OA) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA). The most common type, by far, is OA, which affects over 27 million Americans according to the Arthritis Foundation. OA sufferers commonly have joint pain, swelling and the breakdown of cartilage that cushions your bones for ease of movement. Over 1.3 million more people suffer from RA. Their symptoms include joint pain, swelling, morning stiffness, fatigue, numbness and tingling in the hands. No one knows what causes it, but physiotherapy for arthritis may be the most effective treatment option.


Finding the path to pain relief

At Metro Physical & Aquatic Therapy, you'll find caring, skilled physical therapists who specialize in manual arthritis therapy in Long Island. Our therapists have over seven decades' combined experience treating various types of arthritis, as well as:

  • Osteoporosis

  • Fibromyalgia

  • Postsurgical Pain

  • Post Total Joint Replacement Pain

The goal of our customized physical therapy for arthritis is to reduce or eliminate each person's pain and improve or enhance each person's ability to perform daily tasks safely. The result: increased mobility and function. We will educate you about your condition, treatment options and ways to avoid or reduce future problems. We will also help you improve your strength and conditioning through physical therapy and aquatic exercise.

If you've been diagnosed with OA, your mainly affected joints are probably your knees and shoulders. You should speak to your primary-care physician about getting physiotherapy for knee arthritis or shoulder arthritis physical therapy along with your medication to keep you active. If you are in pain, don't wait. Ask us for more information about treating arthritis with hands-on physical therapy. And take advantage of one of our free aquatic exercise classes.

To learn more about how we can help with physical therapy treatment for knee arthritis and other symptoms, call the Metro Physical & Aquatic Therapy office nearest you today. We welcome and encourage your referrals.